Deidre Riehle
When it comes to analyzing and improving complex business processes, you will have a hard time finding someone more qualified than our Director of Operations, Deidre Riehle.
From customizing software solutions in the financial services industry to automating tasks, Deidre has spent her career making businesses function more efficiently.
Deidre started her career at State Street Global Advisors in Boston, customizing software solutions for traders and portfolio managers. She later moved to Los Angeles and found a new role with an investment firm called Trust Company of the West.
Deidre discovered her true passion for business analysis while working with TCW’s managers and traders. “I love helping people increase productivity through either procedural changes or IT automation,” she said. “At TCW, I assessed client needs by asking about their goals and finding out what steps they were taking to get the data they needed.”
She then put those requirements into “development speak” and either assigned the in-house development team to customize a solution, or she would purchase an off-the-shelf product to get the job done. Deidre was instrumental in linking systems together and automating tasks, which was no small feat in 1990s. Financial regulations were tightening, and firms needed automation to streamline and speed up processes.
She and her husband grew tired of the hustle and bustle of the west coast, missed the changing of the seasons and decided to relocate in Vermont, where her husband grew up, to work and raise their family.
She worked remotely as a Business Analyst for SunGard, a financial systems software vendor, for twelve years and later held a job with the Vermont Agency of Human Services. Deidre missed working in the private sector though, and learned about a new opportunity while connecting with her old friend, Dave Fisher at Aerie.
After learning about her skills, Dave invited Deidre to come in and see how Aerie uses Office 365 to transform efficiency and communication for enterprise companies. It was a great match from the start, she quickly began to play a critical role on the Business Applications and Managed Cloud Services teams, and is now moving full steam ahead as the Director of Operations for Aerie.
“I love Office 365, and exploring new ways we can use it to help businesses save time and improve collaboration and team communication,” she said. “People enjoy their jobs more when you remove tasks that have no value. What could be more fulfilling than that?
Education ✏️
- B.A. in Computer Science and Minor in Psychology, Magna Cum Laude, Hamilton College
Skills 💡
- Expert in translating client needs into solutions that transform their jobs
Fun Stuff 🎾
- Playing tennis (when I win), skiing (when it’s warm), biking (downhill), and walking when the VT weather permits
- Traveling and doing just about anything with my husband Parker and children Hunter and Ellie
- Dealing with the Riehle high-maintenance animals and communicating their latest adventures to my family