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Kuochuan Ponzio

Managed Cloud Services Engineer

Welcome Kuochuan! Our newest Managed Cloud Services Engineer at Aerie. With a unique blend of experience and expertise, Kuochuan is set to bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to our team and clients.

Starting with an internship at a startup in Portland, Oregon, during the summer of 2023, and serving as a Teaching Assistant in his senior year of college, he has built a solid foundation in tech. Beyond academia, Kuochuan spent 9 years in the restaurant industry, where he mastered the art of thriving in high-pressure environments, honing his teamwork and customer service skills.

A graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Vermont, his education has equipped him with a thorough understanding of technology, including application development, algorithm design, and object-oriented programming. These hard skills ensure he's well-prepared to tackle the complexities inherent in managed cloud services.

Described as a creative problem solver and a proactive teammate, his attention to detail is unmatched. These soft skills are essential for navigating the intricacies of cloud services and ensuring that our clients' needs are met with precision and creativity.

Beyond professional pursuits, Kuochuan lives life adventurously as a semi-pro ultimate frisbee player. He enjoys snowboarding, biking, and the thrill of jumping into water and ball pits from heights that vary from moderate to extreme. This adventurous spirit reflects his readiness to face new challenges head-on.

Welcome to the team, Kuoch!

Education ✏️

  • B.S. Computer Science, University of Vermont

Skills 💡

  • Application development, Algorithm design, object-oriented programming.


Fun Stuff 🏂

  • Semi-pro ultimate frisbee player

  • Snowboarding and biking

  • Jumping into water and ball pits from moderate to extreme heights

Social 👥



“I look forward to working with clients to understand and address business needs. Working within the Aerie team has inspired me to expand my skills and provide excellent service to organizations in need of streamlined processes.”
Kuochuan Ponzio, Managed Cloud Services Engineer
Kuochuan PonzioManaged Cloud Services Engineer