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2 min read

Using Your SharePoint Intranet to Praise Employees


You are sitting in your office, going through revenue projections, when the phone rings.

It’s your Sales Manager, calling to share some good news. Jill, one of the company’s senior account executives, just closed a major new account, crushing her quarterly goal and sending the company into fourth quarter in style.

It’s high time Jill received a well deserved shout out in front of the whole organization. Why not do it on the intranet homepage?

One of our manufacturing clients asked us this very question.


We were in the planning stages of implementing an Accelerated Intranet, when their management team remarked how nice it would be to use an app for congratulating and thanking employees for doing excellent work.

We suggested they use the Newsfeed feature in SharePoint, which functions a little like Facebook. In the Newsfeed, people can post comments for the entire company to see, and others can reply and join the conversation.

This client was looking for something different though. They liked Newsfeed, but felt it lacked control. Employees could post any message without anyone monitoring it. The client wanted the flexibility to review content before it goes up on the homepage, so we brainstormed a solution that would give them the best of all worlds…or apps, in this case.


"Shouting Out" to Employees on the Intranet

The result was an app called “Shout Out,” which allows employees to quickly recognize other people for a job well done on the homepage. It also enables management to review and approve any message before it goes live, creating a controlled environment where people can give each other props without evolving into lengthy discussions.

See how it works:

When an employee wants to post a shout out, they click on the app, type their name and message, and hit send. The communications director (or designated moderator) gets a notification in their inbox that someone wants to post a new “shout out.” He or she then goes to a list to see which messages are pending. The instant the message is approved, it starts displaying on the homepage.

Everyone likes a pat on the back – both giving them and getting them. This is just one small way SharePoint can enhance the workplace culture and make people feel appreciated.

Cheers to you, Jill, for closing that huge sale!


Find out more about how our SharePoint and Office 365 apps can increase productivity and accelerate growth. 



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